Friday, May 22, 2009

A Long Time Coming

So I have been a huge blog slacker. I know I said that LAST time I posted, but I couldn't help it. life has been busy as heck fire. For the most part it has been "good busy" though.
We have done a ton in the last few weeks lots of movies, a couple concerts, some awesome day trips and great family time.

The Husband and I went to see Rufus Wainwright with Lucy Wainwright Roche a few weeks ago. It was awesome! The House of Blues in Anaheim is a great little venue and the performances were great. Plus the people in the audience were a blast as well. We were really excited to see Rufus, but we were even MORE excited when we realized that his dad, Louden Wainwright, was there as well. We are big fans! Here are a couple really crappy cell phone pics from the night.

The other concert was Jimmy Buffet last night. Shannon, my Dad, the Husband and I gave the tickets to my Mom for mothers day this year, and we had a great time. How can you not at a JB concert? :) We had a real "girls night out" too, it was just my Mom, Shannon and myself. I do have to say that the parking lot looked like a tornado had gone though when we left. I do not envy whoever has to clean up the following day...
Here are a couple pics from the concert:

We went to the Nixon Library last weekend. What an amazing place! I can't believe we had lived so close to it an never been.  My husband and I aren't exactly big Nixon fans, but it didn't matter. All the history that they had there appeals to anyone who enjoys history (and politics!). Here are a few pics from the Library:

My Grandma (Mom's Mom) had major surgery this week, and I am happy to report that she came through with flying colors. She exceeded all the doctors expectations! For a 84 year old, that is amazing. The doctors were able to remove all of her cancer, so we are so relived that we will be able to have her around for hopefully many many many more years to come. A couple days before her surgery The Husband and I went to brunch with my family at Las Brisas in Laguna Beach. YUM.
We also saw Wolverine (blech) and Star Trek (Awesome!), had a trip to the Grove up in LA and spent some great time with friends. Whew!

OK, so I think I am basically caught up. I swear to try and update more often!

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