Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shame on You Michael Steele.

Yesterday Michael Steele was asked about Civil Unions for gay and lesbian couples. Here is his response:

Do you favor civil unions?" Gallagher asked:
STEELE: No, no no. What would we do that for? What are you crazy? No. Why would we backslide on a core, founding value of this country. I mean this isn't something that you just kind of like, "Oh well, today I feel, you know, loosey-goosey on marriage." I mean, this is a foundational principle of this country. It is a foundational principle of organized society. It isn't something that, you know, in America we decided, "Let's make it between a man and a woman; oh well now, let's change our mind and make it between anyone and anyone." No.

GALLAGHER: So no room even for a conversation about civil unions, in your

STEELE: What's the difference?
GALLAGHER: Well, you're not calling it marriage.
STEELE: Is it?
GALLAGHER: I don't know. I mean, I... I...

STEELE: I mean, like Sarah Palin said, you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.

GALLAGHER: Yeah yeah yeah, but the argument that Sean Penn is making, and I agree that this is, the squeaky wheel doesn't have to get the grease and there's not a state that says, we favor redefining marriage as anything other than one man and one woman. But there are a lot of people who say, "but yet, this country isn't a country that wants to discriminate against two people if they're in a committed relationship. We don't want to deny them benefits, we don't want to deny them opportunities."

STEELE: Ok, but wait a minute. Is it going to -- what is it? Is it going to you want the benefits or you want something else? If you want the benefits, there's a little thing called contract law, you've got power of attorney. There's a whole number of ways in which two individuals can care for each other and look out for each other without having to put the imprimatur of marriage on their forehead.

GALLAGHER: right right.

STEELE: So, I don't understand why you need to weaken an institution that is a foundational institution of not just America, of mankind. I mean this is something that as human beings, we have organized ourselves around. This thing called a family unit. This is how we've defined it. And, sure, things have changed over the years. And, sure, you know, gays adopt and all this other...but when you go to that foundational principle of marriage and you're now saying, "well, you know, we're going to backslide away from that." What are you saying as a society of people? What are you saying as human beings? I don't...I guess that's the question that we're going to debate, but all due respect to Sean Penn, I just, you know, I disagree with that view. I don't think there's hate in it. I don't think there's discrimination. It's just a core, foundational principle of our society that this what we believe and this is what we adhere to.

First off Mr. Steele, Palin put her lipstick on a pit bull, not a pig. Obama was the one putting his lipstick on a pig.
Second, who is the crazy one here? It is a fact that a majority of the people in this country AT LEAST support the right for gay couples to have a civil union. By saying that you do not even support the "separate but equal" doctrine of civil unions you have just alienated a large majority of the country. THAT is crazy Mr. Steele.

And last but certainly not least, I am unsure how ANYONE thinks that not allowing gays and lesbians the right to marry is anything BUT discrimination. Just because it was tradition or "value" that this country was founded on doesn't make it right or non-discriminatory. When this country was founded Mr. Steele wouldn't have even had the right to vote. I would not have had the right to vote. So Mr. Steele, should we go back to those founding values as well? I mean they are traditional! That means they couldn't possibly be discriminatory, right?

And FYI Mr. Steele, contract law does not allow the same benefits of marriage. Before you spout off your ignorance and hate you may want to do a little research.

RNC Chair Michael Steele, my pick for Douche Bag of the month of February.

1 comment:

  1. ::applause::

    It is absolutely disgusting how harsh the opposition is to gay marriage. How one person's relationship affects a separate and completely unique relationship, I'll never understand.

    What do they really think is going to happen? I guess once gay marriage is legalized, we'll all just be gay, destroy our population as human beings (I've heard that argument made if you can believe it) and their god's army loses out on all those young healthy recruits it was waiting on.
