Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The LOST Obsession

I think that people who are not fans of LOST will never truly understand the devotion of LOST fans. It's not just a show that you watch for one hour a week and forget about until the following's a lifestyle ;) There are blogs, message boards, websites created by the shows producers (including ones for Oceanic Airlines, Dharma, Hanso ect ect that all have clues in them about what will be happening on the show), podcasts and vodcasts. I always frequent the blogs and message boards (which can be seen in my favorite blogs on the right hand side on MY blog) and really am so impressed with the little things that others catch that I am just not observant enough to notice.

So for the last couple of weeks I have decided to dive into re-reading some episode summaries and analysis over on . (This is a GREAT blog, I highly recommend it to other LOST enthusiasts) I ended up re-reading every.single. write up for every.single. episode. Crazy much? I have to tell you though, my amazement and love for this show has been completely renewed. It was amazing to see all the hints they dropped WAY back in Season 1 that apply to things that have only started happening NOW. The writers and producers really have had the whole show's arc planned from the very beginning, and it is really impressive. It was also fun to realize just how many questions we have had answered. People always complain that we never get any answers, but we really do! They are just always accompanied by a billion more questions. My favorite? All the literary references that were made, and how so many of them had elements of time travel. (ie A Wrinkle in Time).

Now that I have read all the episode summaries, I am going back and re-watching all the episodes. This will give me something to do next week when I am stuck on the couch after my surgery. (Blech)

So yes, I am a crazed fan. And a huge nerd.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to check out that blog! As you know, I'm just as crazy about Lost. Do you read lostpedia? I'm big into that, too.

    I hope you enjoy your recuperation with LOST!
