Monday, March 16, 2009

Surgery Recovery (Fun with Drugs!)

So I am mostly recovered from my surgery, thank goodness. I don't do well when I am trapped inside on a couch for extended periods of time. I am even back at work today!

The first day was rough. I felt like crap, I was in pain and the anesthesia stole my brain and my energy. I slept all day and all night. The Husband kept coming in and checking on me, I am sure he wanted to make sure I was still alive. All I can say is thank goodness for drugs. Norco and IBUPROFEN, you were my best friends that day. Plus the Norco not only helped with pain, it made me go to my happy, sleepy place every time I took it. The next day I felt much better, but my brain was really fuzzy. I had a hard time processing thoughts and a REALLY hard time speaking. My sentences never came out like they sounded in my head. Anesthesia is a weird weird thing. By Thursday I was going stir crazy, so I decided to drive myself to the store and buy cake mix and make a cake. (?????????? I'm telling you, it was the drugs) That turned out to not be the best plan as I was pretty sore afterwards, but I was so happy to have left the house I really didn't care. I made my cake and didn't eat it since I had no appetite. I'm a freak I tell you. Finally on Friday my Momma came and took me to the movies. Escape!

We went and saw Race to Witch Mountain (yes we are nerds, don't judge us). I had loved the original growing up (called Escape to Witch Mountain) so I was actually really excited to see the remake. I also think The Rock is awesome. The movie was nothing spectacular, but it was entertaining and that is really all I wanted and was looking for at that point. I would probably not recommend that you see this in the theaters unless you were a big fan of the original. The original was better, but it was fun to see a modern interpretation of the story. After the movie we went to lunch at Islands which was wonderful. Thanks Mom!
Saturday I spent the day relaxing again. We watched some movies, one of which was Death at a Funeral. AWESOME movie. It was hilarious. It is British humor which I adore, but be forewarned that it is not a typical American comedy. It hurts to laugh still, so this movie was very very painful, but worth it. It made me look at Valium and little people in a whole new way. We also watched Samantha Brown in Ireland and dreamed about going there. Sigh. Is there any place on earth full of such happy, drunk people surrounded by such beautiful landscape? I think not.
We also went out and saw Coraline in 3D, and I HIGHLY recommend this movie. It is hard to find in 3D, but I can't imagine it being nearly as amazing without that aspect. The 3D was done so well. The story was also very very very good, and actually really suspenseful for an animated film. It is definitely not for young children...probably kids over 10. So if you can find it playing in a theater it is worth spending the money on.

Sunday we were fortunate to have tickets to the Laker game. I was feeling pretty good, so The Husband and I headed up to LA. Unfortunately, we got a ticket on the way. We were a little lost and arguing about directions and I told The Husband to turn. To make the turn he had to quickly get over into the left hand lane and in doing that cut someone off on accident. Cop saw it and gave us a ticket. Sigh. I take the blame, unfortunately I cannot take the traffic school. At least the game was a blast and the Lakers won! WOO HOO! I even had a beer since I was completely off my medication (just taking IBUPROFEN on occasion). We also walked around the new Nokia Theater complex. Looks like it is going to be really neat when it is completed.
Another amazing thing happened while I was stuck inside, it seems like the economy finally made a turn for the better. Apparently all that needed to happen was for me to have my cysts removed! (Yes, I am totally taking credit for single handedly turning the economy around). I am knocking on every single thing I have that is wood, but we finally had some good news. Madoff is going to jail, the stock market rebounded a bit, retail sales did much better than economists had predicted and CitiGroup actually recorded profits. Hallelujah! I know that it will be a long long road to economic recovery, but my only hope is that we have reached the bottom. If we have reached the bottom I may actually stay employed and I am hoping I won't have to watch any more of my friends lose their jobs. My fingers are permanently crossed.

So, back to work and reality for me. I have my post op appointment next week, so hopefully I can get back to my normal activities then. (And get the heck off pelvic rest! he he)

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